CCTV- the CCTV is another proactive crime prevention technological tool that we use, aimed to compliment the conventional crime prevention methods that our law enforcement officers are applying on day to day basis.
We have over 125 surveillance cameras installed at the crime prone areas in and around the city, and they are monitored 24 hours by trained City Police officers operating
from the call center. The installation of CCTV cameras has proven to be an effective tool in terms of reduction and prevention of crime, as crime has now reduced in those areas.
CompStat- This is a management system made up of management principles with cutting edge crime analysis technology. It is applied as a measure to control crime and improve the quality of life in our city. This system tells us exactly what type of crime is occurring, when, where, how is it committed and by who?
The City Police has also implemented various programmes such as SMS lines, digital speed and red lights detection cameras, Total Control System (TCS) information management system, Automatic Number Plate Recognition System, website and use of social media as technological tools to prevent crime and promote safety our roads.